Candidate Pre-Vet List!

Candidate Pre-Vet List!

Advance polls for the upcoming municipal election open tomorrow!!!
Click here for more details on when and how you can vote and more! 
I’m not generally one to tell people who to vote for (unless it’s me, ehem), and rarely do I even widely share who I’m voting for until an election is over. It’s up to you to make your own decisions. The important part is that you give a shit enough to engage.
In this election though, there are so many people running that doing the homework is daunting and it concerns me to hear so many people reluctant to vote because they don’t have the bandwidth to check out all the candidates.
So instead of endorsing candidates, here’s a list of folks that I think are valuable to spend some time considering for council and mayor. And in the spirit of this election, please consider this list to be absolutely random.
Taqdir Kaur Bhandal, Graham Cook, Sarah Blyth, Adrian Crook, Abubakar Khan, Wade Grant, Erin Shum, Robert McDowell
One City
Brandon Yan, Christine Boyle
Pete Fry, Michael Wiebe
Tanya Paz, Diego Cardona, Heather Deal
Jean Swanson, Derrick O’Keefe, Anne Roberts

Shauna Sylvester 
(This may seem endorsement-ish, and perhaps it is. There aren’t other stand outs for me in the Mayoral pond.)
If you have the time for comparison, do check out:
Independent: Kennedy Stewart, John Yano
NPA: Ken Sim
Coalition Vancouver: Wai Young
Yes Vancouver: Hector Bremner
** If you want some entertainment value, don’t miss Sophie Cherryes Kaur Kaiser **
Hoping to get around to Park and School later tonight, will update this post when I can manage it!
Again, THESE ARE NOT ENDORSEMENTS, just my filter for thinning out your homework. If you have the time and the interest, investigate all of your options!

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